Special Hours: 11:00am-6:00pm
Today’s Hours: 11am – 6pm
March 12, 2019
“First, you notice the fun, high-tech stuff: the digital billboard overhead that shows dogs of different shapes and sizes scampering across the screen. And then the “Find Your Match” kiosk that snaps your picture and shows you which type of purebred dog you most resemble. (Me: a sloughi, a somewhat obscure cousin of the greyhound.)
Next, you notice the historical artwork. Visitors are greeted by two paintings considered classics of a genre that most people have never heard of: dog art. One is “Leda,” a 1906 portrait of an English setter by the American artist Percival Leonard Rosseau, who often painted dogs like this one from his hunting kennel. Another is “Salukis,” an 1807 depiction of boisterous hounds with flying ears by the British artist James Ward, who typically painted the dogs, horses and children of his wealthy patrons.”
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