Crisis Response Canines Meet and Greet

April 27, 2024
Crisis Response Canines Meet and Greet
9:30 am

The variety of responsibilities held by working dogs is remarkable. From water rescue, to detection, more government and civil service agencies than you may imagine rely on the innate skills, dedication and companionship that are provided by their canine partners.

In 2016, the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation initiated a unique program, which brought two Crisis Response Canines to the team that is deployed after mass casualty events. These two purpose-bred Facility Dogs, Wally and Gio, are a core part of the FBI’s response to mass casualty, and travel across the country to support survivors over the days following such tragedies.

In connection with National Crime Victims’ Rights Week (April 20-27), the AKC Museum of the Dog is thrilled to welcome these dedicated Special (Canine) Agents, Wally and Gio, to the Museum! They’ll be joined by their handlers, who will talk about how Wally and Gio support survivors, and all about their work life. We’ll also be joined by Wally and Gio’s breeders, Assistance Dogs of the West, and trainers. Facility Dogs are purpose bred, and you’ll learn about the process, from breeding to training to supporting people.

The event will be from 9:45am to 11:30pm on Saturday, April 27th. Access to the Museum and this event is free for entries that take place between 9:30 and 11:30am. Tickets must be reserved in advance through the registration link. The Museum will resume regular operation and entry fees beginning at 11:30, with last admissions at 5:00 pm.


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