Breed Spotlight: Newfoundland

April 13, 2024
Breed Spotlight: Newfoundland
12:00 pm

Get to know a dog breed at the AKC Museum of the Dog!

Each month we are highlighting one of the 201 recognized breeds in the American Kennel Club. You’ll learn the history of the breed as well as key characteristics of their anatomy and coat that help them meet the standard. Activities include art-making, stories and books, a collectable breed fact sheet, and an opportunity to meet a live dog.

April’s Breed Spotlight: Newfoundland

The massive Newfoundland is a strikingly large, powerful working dog of heavy bone and dignified bearing. The sweet-tempered Newfie is a famously good companion and has earned a reputation as a patient and watchful ‘nanny dog’ for kids. The Newfie breed standard says that a sweet temperament is the “most important single characteristic of the breed.” Trusting and trainable, Newfs respond well to gentle guidance. These noble giants are among the world’s biggest dogs, and acquiring a pet that could outweigh you comes with obvious challenges.

This event is free for Members and included with General Admission. Please be sure to purchase your General Admission tickets for the date of the event.


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