Two dogs called Sensation and Bang Bang are shown in a wooded area

Club Membership

Sign up your Breed Club as an AKC Museum of the Dog Member

AKC Clubs play an essential role in promoting and preserving breeds, building community, and expanding our beloved sport throughout the country. By supporting the AKC Museum of the Dog’s unique collection as a Club Member, you can further your shared mission of celebrating dog breeds and their rich history. By joining the Museum, your Club members will enjoy valuable benefits, like free admission and digital program access through Virtual+ Memberships, private tours, opportunities to feature your breed, events, and more.

Tax-deductible amounts are calculated based on the estimated value of goods and services provided with each Membership level.  

Want to sign up or have questions? Email for more information.  

Club Membership 

  • Tax-deductible amounts are calculated based on the estimated value of goods and services provided with each Membership level. 
  • All Membership levels are based on an annual gift and include: 

Club Member 
Price: $1,750  

  • 10 Family/Dual Memberships for named club members  
  • Virtual+ Memberships for all Breed Club Members 
  • Acknowledgement of support on the AKC MoD website 
  • One tour of the Museum with a staff member during public hours for a maximum of 15 guests (with prior registration) 
  • 5 free tickets to AKC MoD events at dog shows (approximately 6-10 a year in Philadelphia, Greenwich, Finger lakes Region, Atlanta, San Diego, Etc) 
  • Guaranteed Breed Spotlight at the Museum with priority selection of a date (if the breed has not had a spotlight in the past year) 
  • Breed feature on Bloomberg Connects app 

Price: $5,000 

  • 10 Family/Dual Memberships for named club members 
  • Virtual+ Memberships for all Breed Club Members 
  • Acknowledgement of Bronze Level support on the AKC MoD website  
  • One-time use of the Museum’s Library for a club meeting for a maximum of 50 people (outside of general Museum open hours)  
  • One tour of the Museum with a staff member during public hours for a maximum of 15 guests (with prior registration) 
  • Free admission to Meet the Breeds New York City for a maximum of 10 people  
  • 10 free tickets to AKC MoD events at dog shows (approximately 6-10 a year in Philadelphia, Greenwich, Finger lakes Region, Atlanta, San Diego, Etc) 
  • Guaranteed Breed Spotlight at the Museum with priority selection of a date (if the breed has not had a spotlight in the past year) 
  • Access for 10 Club members to MoD Member’s Lounge at dog shows, where applicable  
  • Breed feature on Bloomberg Connects app 
  • Small Bronze Level plaque on Club Wall of Fame at the AKC MoD 

Price: $10,000  

  • 10 Family/Dual Memberships for named club members  
  • 25% discount on Museum admission tickets for guests accompanying Members 
  • Exhibition in the Museum’s vestibule featuring breed for approximately 1-3 months 
  • 2 tickets to the annual AKC MoD Gala or comparable event 
  • Club Logo/Name recognition on signage at Dog Shows where AKC MoD has a presence (6-10 a year)  
  • Digital guest interaction in the Museum for guests for highlighted breed 
  • Virtual+ Memberships for all Breed Club Members 
  • Acknowledgment of Silver Level support on the AKC MoD website, annual report, and quarterly newsletters.  
  • One-time use of the Museum’s Library for a club meeting for up to 50 people (outside of general Museum open hours)  
  • One tour of the Museum with a staff member during public hours for up to 15 guests (with prior registration) 
  • Free admission to Meet the Breeds New York City for a maximum of 20 people  
  • 15 free tickets to AKC MoD events at dog shows (approximately 6-10 a year in Philadelphia, Greenwich, Finger Lakes Region, Atlanta, San Diego, etc.) 
  • Guaranteed Breed Spotlight at the Museum with preferred selection of a date (provided the breed has not enjoyed a spotlight in the past two years) 
  • Access for Club members to MoD Member’s Lounge at dog shows 
  • Breed feature on the Bloomberg Connects app 
  • Medium Silver Level plaque on Club Wall of Fame at the AKC MoD 

Price: $25,000  

  • 25 Family/Dual Memberships for named club members 
  • Virtual+ Memberships for all Breed Club Members 
  • 50% off admission for member’s guests 
  • One-time use of the Museum for hosting a private event with a maximum of 150 people (excludes catering and other building costs)  
  • Exhibition in the Museum’s vestibule featuring breed of choice for approximately 1-3 months 
  • 4 tickets to the annual AKC MoD Gala or comparable event 
  • One year of AR-activated artwork featuring your breed on Museum admission tickets*  
  • Digital guest interaction in the Museum for guests for highlighted breed 
  • Acknowledgment of Gold Level support on the AKC MoD website, annual report, and quarterly newsletters.  
  • Use of the Museum’s Library for a club meeting for a maximum of 50 people (outside of general Museum open hours and subject to scheduling)  
  • One tour of the Museum with the Curator for a maximum of 25 guests (prior registration and scheduling required) 
  • VIP admission to Meet the Breeds New York City for a maximum of 20 people  
  • 20 free tickets to AKC MoD parties and events at dog shows (approximately 6-10 a year in Philadelphia, Greenwich, New York, Orlando, Atlanta, Palm Springs, etc.) 
  • Guaranteed Breed Spotlight at the Museum with preferred selection of a date (provided the breed has not enjoyed a spotlight in the past two years) 
  • Access for club members to MoD Members Lounge at dog shows, where applicable 
  • Recognition by MoD at dog shows where the museum has a presence  
  • Breed feature on the Bloomberg Connects app 
  • Large Gold Level plaque on Club Wall of Fame at the AKC MoD 

*Artwork to be determined in conjunction with Museum Staff.